In three days time there’s a referendum on whether Britain should exit the European Union (Brexit). I fear that the haters will win plunging Britain into years of chaos and that the poor will become poorer.
- I believe a European Parliament is a good idea [ More…]
- People I respect and who know more than me about politics and economics say Remain [ More…]
- People I dont respect say Leave the European Union, (many for contradicting reasons which are bonkers) [ More…]
- OK, there are people I dont like on both sides, and outside in the wild fringes of political thought. [ More…]
- Money : there’ll be less swirling around if Britain leaves the common market [ More…]
- Low waged people and on those benefits will suffer the most from BREXIT [ More…]
- What would happen at the Irish Border and possible Scottish border? [ More…]
- Ok there are global problems of overpopulation, climate change, war, famine, refugees.
Shouldnt we cooperate with others whereever possible to tackle world problems? [ More…] - Democracy – we vote for MPs by first past the post and MEPs by a fairer PR system [ More…]
- I love Europe, I love this one planet, and Herefordshire’s nice too!! [ More…]
I believe a European Parliament is a Good Idea
and should decide things about European pollution, trade deals, human rights etc. We elect MEPs by PR which means a broader range of people elected who have to co-operate with other parties. In Britain MPs are elected by first past the post which gave the Conservatives and absolute majority in 2015 with only 36% of the vote.
People I respect and who know more than me about politics and economics say Remain
Caroline Lucas, Dale Vince, Vince Cable,, Paddy Ashdown, Shirley Williams, Jeremy Corbyn and most Labour, Green Scottish and Welsh politicians, and most economists, scientists and other experts
mug shots People I dont respect say Leave the European Union
(many for contradicting reasons which are bonkers)
And many things the Leavers say about sovreignty is just plain wrong
OK, there are people I dont like on both sides,
brexit loss there’s be less money swirling around if Britain leaves the common market. I’ve seen how many lorries use just Southampton port, many small businesses who pop through the chunnel would be bankrupted by the increased paperwork, visas, and delays, easier for europeans to buy from within the smaller common market. And many big foreign firms will move their factories out of Britain to Ireland or the mainland to keep inside the common market. Recessions and Inflations tend to go in a downlward spiral.
And our music industry would be hit.
Low waged people and on those benefits
will suffer the most from BREXIT. Hedge fund billionaires will make money out of the chaos, but with a reduced economy there’ll be less to spend on benefits etc,plus more would have to be spent on expensive lawyers and civil servants to renegotiate with every other country.
What would happen at the Irish Border?
Would fences and customs posts have to be erected – costing more public money, and disrupting local trade? And if Scotland then has a referendum and decides to join Europe not England there’d be the same problem with their border, and more loss to local businesses who work both sides.
Ok there are global problems of overpopulation, climate change, war, famine, refugees.
Shouldnt we cooperate with others wherever possible to tackle world problems?
Is Britain going to spend the next years renegotiating contracts with every other country rather than focusing on the problems in Syria and other hotspots?-
– we vote for MPs by first past the post and MEPs by a fairer PR system. two big votes every five years. The House of Lords is appointed by the ruling government.
IN we have MEPs elected by PR from many directions who will have to cooperate over decisions, OUT we have westminster MPS elected by first past the post where presently the tories have a majority with 36% of the vote and can pass whatever laws they want and control the rest of us. In four years time maybe Labour and the SNP will get power with a similarly small vote.
Paul Mason in today’s Guardian writes that Brexit is a fake revolt – working-class culture is being hijacked to help the eliteIts a UKIP trap
I love Europe, I love this one planet, and Herefordshire’s nice too